The world faces a wide range of challenges. At the Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, we want to contribute to and create solutions to society's challenges. We do this through our research and research-based educations, which reflect the core activities the department works within, and which are all relevant to ensure a sustainable future.

Sustainability in education, research and collaboration
Sustainability and the UN's sustainability goals are incorporated into all our core activities and the Departments strategy. We see ourselves as an active player in the green transition. We work based on the 17 sustainability goals where we believe we can make a difference. Our efforts revolve around the following themes in particular: Stop hunger (2), Quality education (4), Clean water and sanitation (6), Sustainable energy (7), Responsible consumption and production (12), Climate action (13), Life in the sea (14) and Life in the Country (15). Via the cases below, you can read about some of the projects the institute has been and is involved in with a focus on sustainability and based on the global goals.
Regional, national and international
The solution to the climate challenges and the desire for a sustainable future calls for interdisciplinary solutions and efforts across national borders. Therefore, in our research and education, we focus on collaboration that extends beyond our own professional boundaries and geography.